Return of the Living Dead Part 2

Title :  Return of the Living Dead Part 2
Artist :  Ken Wiederhorn
Genre :  Horror
Release :  15 January 1988
Country :  USA
Price :   Rent $2.99 / Buy $9.99 on iTunes
Type of file :   Video HD, 720P, 480P, 320P, and 240P
Notice :   This Video Only Trailer if you want full version please Rent $2.99 / Buy $9.99 at iTunes

Special effects dominate this sequel to the 1985 smash undead thriller, where once again the dead are brought back to life, this time in a small town cemetery. When two boys open a steel drum belonging to the army, they accidentally release mysterious gases that have a supernatural effect on the corpses buried beneath them. Starring Dana Ashbrook ("Twin Peaks").