
Title :  Predestination
Artist :  Michael Spierig & Peter Spierig
Genre :  Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Release :  09 January 2015
Country :  USA
Price :   Rent $3.99 / Buy $12.99 on iTunes
Type of file :   Video HD, 720P, 480P, 320P, and 240P
Notice :   This Video Only Trailer if you want full version please Rent $3.99 / Buy $12.99 at iTunes

Based on the short story “All You Zombies” by Robert A. Heinlein, Predestination chronicles the life of a Temporal Agent (Ethan Hawke) sent on an intricate series of time-travel journeys designed to ensure the continuation of his law enforcement career. Now, on his final assignment, the Agent must recruit his younger self while pursuing the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time.