
Title :  Kinsey
Artist :  Bill Condon
Genre :  Drama
Release :  17 May 2005
Country :  USA
Price :   Rent $3.99 / Buy $14.99 on iTunes
Type of file :   Video HD, 720P, 480P, 320P, and 240P
Notice :   This Video Only Trailer if you want full version please Rent $3.99 / Buy $14.99 at iTunes

Kinsey is a portrait of researcher Alfred Kinsey, driven to uncover the most private secrets of a nation. What begins for Kinsey as a scientific endeavor soon takes on an intensely personal relevance, ultimately becoming an unexpected journey into the mystery of human behavior. Liam Neeson stars as Kinsey, who in 1948 irrevocably changed American culture with his book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Interviewing thousands of people about the most intimate aspects of their lives, Kinsey lifted the weight of secrecy and shame from a society in which sexual practices were mostly hidden. His work sparked one of the most intense cultural debates of the past century, a debate that rages on today. Using the technique of his own famous sex interviews, Kinsey recounts the scientist’s extraordinary journey from obscurity to global fame.